Thursday, November 5, 2009

First fall

I think this is my favorite picture of Scarlett ever. I kind of wish she wasn't wearing such a Halloween outfit, because otherwise I'd frame it and put it on the wall. Holly took it. Turns out she's not just an excellent babysitter but also an awesome photographer. Who knew?

Time to wear coats already!

Luckily, we have some cute coats.

I already posted a bunch of Halloween pictures on Facebook and emailed them to non-Facebookers, but you'll have to indulge me. Here are a bunch more of her green-stinger-tailed, straight-from-China-via-eBay bee costume.

Scarlett's finally starting to get some of her top teeth. That means she's drooling like crazy and chewing on everything she can get her hands on. Here's her favorite trick at the moment. No hands!

"Sorry, mom, I'm teething. What do you want me to do? Also, do you have anything else for me to gnaw on?"

And finally, here's my tall girl getting ready for bed tonight. I bought these new pajamas in the 18-month size, and holding them up in the store I swore they'd be way, way too long for her. But they fit just fine!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Hey there,
So it looks like the surgery is our next step :(.I'm terrified and though you might have some insight. And Scarlett's eyes look beautiful! Wondering if I could call you to chat about it?? My email is